Thank you!

Well, it happened! Thank you to everybody who came out, and for everybody who helped it come together. 

Special thanks goes to the cast and collaborators, Mom, Dad, Matt, Ruth Barnes, Sara Brummel, Darryl Clark, Julie Williams, Dr. Herr, Scott Handley, Pam RuBert, Russ RuBert, Meganne Rosen O’Neal, Gerard Nadeau, Jonathan Gano, and especially, to my wonderful and supportive friends. 

I am so grateful to be surrounded by such a supportive community of artists and friends. 

Thank you and all my love! 

P.S., I have a favor. If you took video or photo of my show on instagram or anything else, would you send the file to me? I would like to collect them for reference later. My email is THANK YOU!! 

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